Antair Spam Filter Improves Live by the rules of the device Spam

Antair BlackBerry practically owns the market-spam devices. Their only real competitor is much cheaper still not as feature complete Advanced Email Spam Filter ($ 2.99).Although I personally recommend trying to block spam before they reach your BlackBerry, there are some situations where you just do not have this capability. That's where the new Antair Spam Filter Live comes in. It is a subscription service that charges a hefty $ 4.95/month which I think is pretty crazy, but there are not many alternatives out there. On the other hand, for this price you can also get a free Gmail account and filter spam through it or get the Hosted Email account that has Postini.
If you absolutely need to fight spam on your BlackBerry something new Antair Spam Filter Live adds the following features:
Language Engine - a new language engine is complementary to existing analytical engine and allows you to analyze and prevent spam Foreign Languages. Many of you have asked us to help with the continuous flow of Cyrillic spam, and we have developed a language engine specifically for this purpose.
Email Spoofing Protection - We are the number of requests from customers to create a way to deal with bogus email spam. Spammers use a technique called email spoofing to send you spam that looks like it has been sent to your email address or e-mail a personal touch. Historically, this type of spam it was difficult to prevent. Antair Spam Filter Live is protecting the e-mail hoax, which allows to block this type of spam.
Included in the Control Panel - Antair Spam Filter Live allows you to access many of its features directly from the mailbox. If you want to filter the messages or view the latest filtered messages, there is no need to find the Antair spam filter and run the application manually - you can do what you need right from your e-mail application.
User Interface - Antair Spam Filter Live has completely redesigned and streamlined user interface. Available features now easier to access than ever before, and your spam filter is easily accessible, as soon as the program is running.
Voice Application Support - Some corporate mail systems forward voice messages as email attachments to your inbox. Antair Spam Filter Live has the ability to detect such messages and prevent them from being filtered as spam, regardless of message content.
Backup and Recovery - We added the ability to backup and restore Antair Spam Filter Live whitelists, blacklists, and other parameters, using your BlackBerry SD card. We have removed all support for BlackBerry Desktop Manager, and enabled you to backup and recover data with a single click directly from the application.
Improved spam filtering - we dramatically improve and streamline the overall performance of the spam filter. Analytical engine faster, smarter, and with the inclusion of the language engine, the spam filter is now stronger than the product.
New Antair Spam Filter Live is not a free upgrade to their previous Antair Spam Filter 3.If you bought the last one in the last 6 months, you automatically get 6 months free Antair Spam Filter Service Live, after which it will cost $ 4.95 per month. You can check out the full list of features for Antair Spam Filter Live at